Quantum Information,
Statistics, Probability
-celebration of Holevo's 60th birthday
O. Hirota |
224 pages, 9x6 inches
September 2004 Hardcover
ISBN 1-58949-041-X
US$68 |
Buy It |
This book is dedicated to Professor A.S.Holevo on the occasion
of his60th birthday.
Containing chapters by promising mathematicians, physicists, and
information scientists, it offers
new insights into the influence and importance of Holevo's
achievement. Readers who are interested in either
the foundations or applications of quantum information science
will find
this book to be of interest.
 O. Hirota:
A. Arvind, P. Kurur, K. Parthasarathy:
Non-stabilizer quantum
codes from Abelian subgroups of the error group
A.Barchielli, G.Lupieri:
processes, entropies, information in quantum continual measurement
S. Barnett:
Optical demonstrations
of statistical decision theory for quantum systems
C. Bennett:
A resource-based view
of quantum information
C.A. Fuchs:
On the quantumness of
a Hilbert space
A. Fujiwara:
Statistical estimation
of a quantum operation |
V. Giovannetti, S. Guha, S. Lloyd, L. Maccone, J. Shapiro, H. Yuen:
Classical capacity of
free-space optical communication
C.King, M.Ruskai:
Comments on
multiplicativity of maximal p-norms when p=2
L. Lanz, B. Vacchini, O. Melsheimer:
On consistency of
quantum theory and macroscopic objectivity
M. Sasaki:
Towards implementation
of coding for quantum sources and channels
P. Shor:
The classical capacity
achievable by a quantum channel assisted by limited entanglement
R. Werner:
The uncertainty
relation for joint measurement of position and moment
A. Winter:
Quantum and classical
message identification via quantum channels |