1 Electrostatics
Coulomb's Law
Electric Field
Gauss' Law
1.4 Potential
1.5 Electrostatic Energy
2 Potential for Simple Systems
2.1 Potential for a Thin Spherical Shell
2.2 Potential for an Infinitely Long Wire
2.3 Potential for a Charged Disc
2.4 Potential for a Charge Displaced along the z-axis
2.5 Dipole
2.6 Continuous Distribution of Dipoles
2.7 Quadrupole
2.8 Potential due to a Double Layer of Charges
2.9 Conductors and Insulators
2.10 Capacitor
3 Boundary Value Problems
3.1 Method of Images
3.2 Boundary Conditions for Differential Equations
3.2.1 Partial Differential Equations
3.2.2 Uniqueness Theorem
3.3 Solution of the Laplace Equation
3.3.1 General Properties of Harmonic Functions
3.3.2 Solution in Cartesian Coordinates
3.3.3 Solution in Spherical Coordinates
3.3.4 Circular Harmonics
3.4 Solution of the Poisson Equation
3.4.1 Green's Function
3.4.2 Dirichlet Boundary Condition
3.4.3 Neumann Boundary Condition
4 Dielectrics
4.1 Electric Displacement Field
4.2 Boundary Conditions in Dielectric
5 Magnetostatics
5.1 Lorentz Force
5.2 Current
5.3 Force on a Current due to a Magnetic Field
5.4 Nature of the Magnetic Field
5.5 Vector Potential
5.6 Multipole Expansion
5.7 Magnetization
5.8 Magnetic Field Intensity
5.9 Boundary Condition
5.10 Faraday's Law
5.11 Inductance
6 Maxwell's equations
6.1 Generalization of Ampere's Law
6.2 Plane Wave Solution
6.2.1 Polarization
6.3 Boundary Conditions
6.4 Energy and the Poynting Vector
6.5 Gauge Invariance of Maxwell's Equations
6.6 Lorentz Transformation
6.7 Covariance of Maxwell's Equations
6.8 Retarded Green's Function
6.9 Kirchhoff's Representation
7 Wave Guides
7.1 Boundary Conditions
7.2 Rectangular Wave Guide
7.2.1 TM Waves
7.2.2 TE Waves
7.3 Cylindrical Wave Guide
7.3.1 TM Waves
7.3.2 TE Waves
7.4 TEM Waves
7.5 Wave Impedance
7.6 Attenuation Factor in Wave Guides
7.7 Cavity Resonators
7.8 Q Factor of a Cavity
7.9 Dielectric Wave Guides (Optical Fibers)
8 Propagation through a Conducting
8.1 Boundary Conditions
8.2 Reflection at Normal Incidence
8.3 Reflection at Oblique Incidence
8.4 Reflection from a Good Conducting Surface
8.5 Radiation Pressure
9 Radiation
9.1 Electric Dipole Radiation
9.1.1 Power Radiated by an Electric Dipole
9.2 Magnetic Dipole Radiation
9.3 Center-fed Antennas
9.3.1 Properties of Antennas
9.4 Multipole Expansion
9.5 Behavior of Multipole Fields
10 Electromagnetic Fields of
10.1 Lienard-Wiechert Potential
10.2 Uniform Linear Motion
10.3 Method of Virtual Photons
10.4 Asymptotic Values of the Fields
10.4.1 Dipole Approximation
10.4.2 Linear Acceleration
10.4.3 Uniform Circular Motion
10.5 Cerenkov Effect
10.6 Self-force
11 Plasma
11.1 General Features of a Plasma
11.2 Plasma Oscillation
11.3 Motion of the Positive Ions
11.4 Effect of a Background Magnetic Field
11.5 Faraday Rotation
11.6 Alfven Waves
11.7 Collisions
12 Electromagnetic Interactions
12.1 Relativistic Lagrangian Description
12.2 Motion in a Uniform Electric Field
12.3 Motion in a Uniform Magnetic Field
12.4 Motion in Crossed Fields
12.5 Motion in a Slowly Varying Magnetic Field
12.6 Anomalous Magnetic Moment
13 Scattering and Diffraction
13.1 Scattering from a Perfectly Conducting Sphere
13.2 Kirchhoff's Approximation