160 pages, 9x6 inches
2001 Hardcover
ISBN 1-58949-001-0
US$45 |
It |
This book, for the first time, presents a review on
transition from regular dynamics to quantum chaos in a
quantum degenerate system -- a harmonic oscillator
perturbed by a monochromatic wave. The model, being one
of the simplest dynamical systems, exhibits the
fundamental properties of nonlinearity, quantum
instability and chaos. And, more importantly, it
describes practical systems such as an ion in a linear
ion trap interacting with laser radiation, an electron
in magnetic field interacting with a plasma wave, an
acoustic quantum cyclotron resonance in metals, and a
two-dimensional electron gas in semiconductor
heterostructures. This book explains in details how the
transition to quantum chaos occurs and how the
theoretical predictions can be tested in experiments.
The book is useful to students and scientists who are
interested to understand the nature of quantum
instabilities and chaos in dynamic systems and their
applications in technological problems. |

Ch.1 Introduction
Ch.2 Classical Resonance Perturbation Theory
Ch.3 Stability of the Classical Ground State
Ch.4 Dynamics of an Ion in a Linear Ion Trap
Ch.5 Quantum Resonance Cells
Ch.6 Symmetry of the Quasienergy States |
Ch.7 Tunneling Between Resonance Cells
Ch.8 Weak Quantum Chaos
Ch.9 Quantum Chaos of an Ion in a Linear
Ch.10 Dynamics of the Monochromatically
Perturbed Oscillator as a Solid-state Problem of
Electron Localization
Ch.11 Stability of the Quantum Ground
Ch.12 Conclusion |

Dr. Dmitry I. Kamenev
is a specialist in classical and quantum chaos
in dynamical systems. He is currently a guest
scientist in the Theoretical Division and Center
for Nonlinear Studies at the Los Alamos National
Laboratory. |
Dr. Gennady P. Berman,
a staff member of the Theoretical Division at
the Los Alamos National Laboratory, is an expert
in classical and quantum dynamical systems,
dynamical chaos and applications to magnetic and
mesoscopic systems, quantum optics and quantum
computation. He has published over 150 research
papers on classical and quantum dynamical
systems, nanotechnology, and dynamics of quantum
computation and other areas. He is a co-author
of the books Introduction to Quantum
Computers (1998), Crossover-time in
Quantum Boson and Spin Systems (1994), and
Introduction to Quantum Neural Technologies
(2002). |