Recent years have
witnessed increasing interests in physics in
noncommutative space, and noncommutative space-time.
The notion of quantized space-time and that of
noncommuting guiding-center coordinates in the
lowest Landau level have existed for quite a while.
Lately since the discovery of noncommutative field
theories in matrix models that describe string
theory nonperturbatively, noncommutative Yang-Mills
and its cousins have been explored extensively in
hundreds of papers in the literature. One expects
that a large part of efforts in string theory will
continue to be directed in this direction. Also,
many common physical features have been found in
string theoretical systems and quantum Hall systems
in condensed matter. The goal of this reprint
collection is to serve young students and interested
researchers with readily available sources of
original ideas and useful techniques, and to help to
promote communications among different disciplines.
The book includes eight chapters, each starting with
a brief introduction.
students, professors, and researchers in theoretical
physics, mathematical physics and theoretical high
energy physics and condensed matter theory. |