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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.15 No.7&8 May 2015

Momentum switches 601 (pp0601-0621)
Andrew M. Childs, David Gosset, Daniel Nagaj, Mouktik Raha, and Zak Webb
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC15.7-8-5

Abstracts: Certain continuous-time quantum walks can be viewed as scattering processes. These processes can perform quantum computations, but it is challenging to design graphs with desired scattering behavior. In this paper, we study and construct momentum switches, graphs that route particles depending on their momenta. We also give an example where there is no exact momentum switch, although we construct an arbitrarily good approximation.
Key words: quantum walk, scattering theory
