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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.22 No.1&2 January 2022

A novel enhanced quantum image representation based on bit-planes for log-polar coordinates (pp0017-0037)
Xiao Chen, Zhihao Liu, Hanwu Chen, and Liang Wang
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC22.1-2-2

Abstracts: Quantum image representation has a significant impact in quantum image processing. In this paper, a bit-plane representation for log-polar quantum images (BRLQI) is proposed, which utilizes $(n+4)$ or $(n+6)$ qubits to store and process a grayscale or RGB color image of $2^n$ pixels. Compared to a quantum log-polar image (QUALPI), the storage capacity of BRLQI improves 16 times. Moreover, several quantum operations based on BRLQI are proposed, including color information complement operation, bit-planes reversing operation, bit-planes translation operation and conditional exchange operations between bit-planes. Combining the above operations, we designed an image scrambling circuit suitable for the BRLQI model. Furthermore, comparison results of the scrambling circuits indicate that those operations based on BRLQI have a lower quantum cost than QUALPI. In addition, simulation experiments illustrate that the proposed scrambling algorithm is effective and efficient. 
key words:
Quantum image representation, Bit-planes, Log-polar coordinate, Image scrambling
