
Aims and Scope: The World
Wide Web and its associated technologies have become a major implementation
and delivery platform for a large variety of applications, ranging from
simple institutional information Web sites to sophisticated supply-chain
management systems, financial applications, e-government, distance learning,
and entertainment, among others. Such applications, in addition to their
intrinsic functionality, also exhibit the more complex behavior of
distributed applications.
Recently, there have been some advances
towards re-framing the development - both design and implementation - of Web
applications as a disciplined and systematic endeavor. However, the vast
majority of existing applications have been developed in an ad-hoc way,
leading to problems of maintainability, quality and reliability. Web
applications are software artifacts, and as such can benefit by making use
of established practices stemming from several related disciplines such as
Software Engineering, Hypermedia, Information Systems, Human-Computer
Interaction and Organizational Science, enabling creation, management and
reuse of structures of the information space as well as enhancing the
end-user experience. In addition, it has its own characteristics which must
be addressed, such as a varied user population, very short development
turnaround times, diverse runtime environments, accessibility through
multiple devices, etc.
Web Engineering is the scientific
discipline that studies the theory and practice of constructing Web-based
systems and applications. This includes theoretical principles and
systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approaches towards the
cost-effective development and evolution of high-quality, ubiquitously
usable Web-based systems and applications. It fundamentally concerns the
technology which enables the construction of Web applications. Web
Engineering, while rooted in Computer Science and Engineering, draws from a
diverse range of other disciplines, such as information science,
information systems, management and business, among others.
Web Engineering encompasses, but is not restricted to:
* Web application development methods and processes
* Web application development tools and environments
* Modeling and model-based design and development
* Component-based Web application development
* Navigation and hypermedia
* Content retrieval and search
* Human-computer interaction and user modeling
* Web application usability
* Adaptive Web applications and personalization
* Web application deployment
* Web application quality, metrics and measurement
* Web application evaluation, verification and validation
* Testing automation, methods and tools for Web applications
* Performance modeling, monitoring and evaluation
* Federated and cross-organizational Web applications
* Service-oriented Web application approaches
* Implementation Architectures
* Use and integration of meta-data in Web applications
* Application of Semantic Web technology in Web applications
* Web design patterns and pattern mining
* Web Engineering education
The Journal of Web Engineering (JWE) aims
to provide a forum for advancing the scientific state of knowledge in all
areas of Web Engineering. Original articles, survey articles, reviews,
tutorials, perspectives, and general correspondence are all welcome.
Appropriate submissions should address significant issues and problems, and
potential solutions, and will be reviewed in accordance with peer review
Besides the regular paper submission and
reviewing process, JWE also publishes special issues. These special issues
are typically theme-based. This means that they have a coherent focus on a
given theme and the set of papers contained in the issue together deepen the
understanding of the Web Engineering discipline or explore the bounds of the
discipline. As such, the special issue is different from a regular issue
that contains a number of papers within the journal's scope, by its focus on
one theme relevant for the discipline. Proposals for special issues are
welcome and need to specify and motivate the theme and the composition of
the set of papers to be included. The papers in a special issue will go
through a regular process of reviewing.
Editorial Board
Submission &
& Price
Subscription (All subscriptions include free access to JWE on-line in addition to the
printed journal).
Rinton Press ISSN: 1540-9589
JWE Leaflet
(PDF format)