As one preliminary effort towards the development of
future generations of powerful yet cost-efficient
colliders, a six-month study of muon collider technology
and physics is run from October 2000 to April 2001. The
study's tasks are organized under five working groups in
the areas of : physics and detectors, cooling,
acceleration, the collider ring, and miscellaneous
topics. This publication on CD-ROM reflects the results
of the study with a concise write-up and more detailed
and specialized write-ups on the subfields associated
with each of the four topical working groups, along with
individual contributions. All these make the proceedings
on CD-ROM a very useful reference to students,
physicists, engineers in high energy physics and
accelerator physics.

students, physicists, engineers in high energy physics
and accelerator physics.
V. Barger & T. Han:
Strongly interacting electroweak sector at a muon
M.S. Berger: Multi-Tev muon collider
I. Bogdanov, S. Kozub, V. Pleskach, P.
Shcherbakov, V. Sytnik, L. Thachenko &
V. Zubko: Magnetic systems for four channels of
neutrino factory
A. Caldwell: Conceptual design for a
frictional cooling scheme
A.K. Ciftci, R. Ciftci & S.
Sultansoy: A search for the fourth SM family
fermions at mu^+mu^- colliders
R.C. Fernow: ICOOL -- a tool for muon
collider simulations
R.C. Fernow & D. Neuffer:
Front end cooling for a first mu^+-mu^- collider
R. Galea: Overview of physics at a muon
A. Hassanein: Preliminary analysis of
target shock response to beam deposition
B.J. King, N. Simos & R.V.
Weggel: A rotating metal band target for pion
production at muon colliders
K. Oide: A preliminary design of a mu^+mu^-
collider ring
Z. Parsa: Physics at high luminosity mu^(+/-)
colliders and a facility overview
P. Raimondi & F. Zimmermann:
Performance of a compact final-focus system for a 30-TeV
muon collider
F.F. Tikhonin: Distinguished features
of muon colliders physics potential