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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.12 No.1&2  January 2012

Entanglement distillation from quasifree fermions (pp0074-0104)
Zoltan Kadar, Michael Keyl, and Dirk Schlingemann
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC12.1-2-6

Abstracts: We develop a scheme to distill entanglement from bipartite Fermionic systems in an arbitrary quasifree state. It can be applied if either one system containing infinite onecopy entanglement is available or if an arbitrary amount of equally prepared systems can be used. We show that the efficiency of the proposed scheme is in general very good and in some cases even optimal. Furthermore we apply it to Fermions hopping on an infinite lattice and demonstrate in this context that an efficient numerical analysis is possible for more than 106 lattice sites.
Key words: Fermionic entanglement, entanglement distillation, quasifree Fermions
