Efficient quantum communication under collective noise
Michael Skotiniotis,
Wolfgang Dur, and Barbara Kraus
We introduce a new quantum communication protocol for the transmission
of quantum information under collective noise. Our protocol utilizes a
decoherence-free subspace in such a way that an optimal asymptotic
transmission rate is achieved, while at the same time encoding and
decoding operations can be efficiently implemented. The encoding and
decoding circuit requires a number of elementary gates that scale
linearly with the number of transmitted qudits, m. The logical depth of
our encoding and decoding operations is constant and depends only on the
channel in question. For channels described by an arbitrary discrete
group G, i.e. with a discrete number, |G|, of possible noise operators,
perfect transmission at a rate m/(m + r) is achieved with an overhead
that scales at most as O(d r ) where the number of auxiliary qudits, r,
depends solely on the group in question. Moreover, this overhead is
independent of the number of transmitted qudits, m. For certain groups,
e.g. cyclic groups, we find that the overhead scales only linearly with
the number of group elements |G|.
Key words: quantum communication,
optimal asymptotic transmission |