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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.21 No.13&14 November 2021 

Surface codes and color codes associated with non-orientable surfaces (pp1135-1153)
Debashis Bhowmik, Dipendu Maity, and
Eduardo Brandani Da Silva
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC21.13-14-4 
Abstracts: Silva et al. produced quantum codes related to topology and coloring, which are associated with tessellations on  the orientable surfaces of genus $\ge 1$ and the non-orientable surfaces of the genus 1. Current work presents an approach to  build quantum surface and color codes} on non-orientable surfaces of genus $ \geq 2n+1 $ for $n\geq 1$. We also present several tables of new surface and color codes related to non-orientable surfaces. These codes have the ratios $k/n$ and $d/n$ better than the codes obtained from orientable surfaces.
Key words:
Topological Quantum Code, Surface Code, Quantum Color Code, Hyperbolic Geometry
