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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.21 No.9&10 August 2021  

Dissipative encoding of quantum information (pp737-770)
Giacomo Baggio, Francesco Ticozzi, Peter D. Johnson, and Lorenza Viola
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC21.9-10-2

Abstracts: We formalize the problem of dissipative quantum encoding, and explore the advantages of using Markovian evolution to prepare a quantum code in the desired logical space, with emphasis on discrete-time dynamics and the possibility of exact finite-time convergence. In particular, we investigate robustness of the encoding dynamics and their ability to tolerate initialization errors, thanks to the existence of non-trivial basins of attraction.  As a key application, we show that for stabilizer quantum codes on qubits, a finite-time dissipative encoder may always be constructed, by using at most a number of quantum maps determined by the number of stabilizer generators. We find that even in situations where the target code lacks gauge degrees of freedom in its subsystem form, dissipative encoders afford nontrivial robustness against initialization errors, thus overcoming a limitation of purely unitary encoding procedures. Our general results are illustrated in a number of relevant examples, including Kitaev's toric code.
Key words:
Quantum encoding, engineered dissipation, stabilizer codes
