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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.8 No.1&2  January 2008 

Practical effects in the preparation of cluster states using weak non-linearities (pp0053-0067)
          Peter P. Rohde, William J. Munro, Timothy C. Ralph, Peter van Loock, and Kae Nemoto

doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC8.1-2-4

Abstracts: We discuss experimental effects in the implementation of a recent scheme for performing bus mediated entangling operations between qubits. Here a bus mode, a strong coherent state, successively undergoes weak Kerr-type non-linear interactions with qubits. A quadrature measurement on the bus then projects the qubits into an entangled state. This approach has the benefit that entangling gates are non-destructive, may be performed non-locally, and there is no need for efficient single photon detection. In this paper we examine practical issues affecting its experimental implementation. In particular, we analyze the effects of post-selection errors, qubit loss, bus loss, mismatched coupling rates and mode-mismatch. We derive error models for these effects and relate them to realistic fault-tolerant thresholds, providing insight into realistic experimental requirements.
Key words:  performing bus, entanglement, coherent state

